Meet Keynote Speakers

Prof. Shandar Ahmad

Keynote Talk 1: Biomedical discovery via data science and deep learning

Jawaharlal Nehru University (INDIA)

Prof. Dr. Fahrul Huyop

Keynote Talk 2: Basic Biochemistry of L-Specific Dehalogenating Enzyme

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (MALAYSIA)

Yue-Ying Tan

Keynote Talk 3: Accurate and Accelerated Analysis Solution for Illumina NGS Data


Kholis A Audah, Ph.D.

Keynote Talk 4: The Role of Bioinformatics in Accelerating Biodiversity-Based Research in Indonesia

Swiss German University (INDONESIA)

Dr Neha Biyani

Keynote Talk 5: Role of Computational Biology in Transforming Cancer Research

University of Chicago (UNITED STATES)

Dr.rer.nat, Arli A. Parikesit

Keynote Talk 6: Virtual Screening of Natural Product_Based Lead Compounds as Inhibitor of SARS-Cov-2 Virus


Prof. Widodo,Ph.D.Med.Sc.

Keynote Talk 7: Application of Bioinformatics for Jamu Scientification

Brawijaya University (INDONESIA)